1. Omni Dent
  2. Articles
  3. The enthusiasm and dedication of young researchers, manifested in the proceedings of the MedEspera congress, 2022

 A very useful workshop, led by associate professor, Ph.D. Dumitru Sîrbu and many scientific reports of young researchers, guided by the oro-maxillo-facial surgeon, Dr. Dumitru Sîrbu are the totals of the biennial congress, MedEspera, 2022, ninth edition.

On the second day of the program, associate professor, Ph.D. Dumitru Sîrbu, presented both the theoretical part and the practical part, several modern working techniques in the workshop "Rehabilitation of edentulous patients with severe atrophy by alternative implantology", together with his colleagues Gabriela Motelica and Eugen Slabari, assistants university students.  
For 2 days, among several scientific reports from the Faculty of Dentistry were presented by the young people guided by the associate professor, Dr. Dumitru Sîrbu, from the Department of OMF Surgery and Oral Implantology "Arsenie Guțan", from USMF " Nicolae Testemitanu ”. Thus, Maria Nuca, assistant professor, presented herself with posters; Stanislav Eni, PhD student; students - Daniel Sîrbu, Mihaela Ciuclea, Gabriela Tverdohleb, Sorin Fistic, Dumitru Gheorghiev, and with oral presentations were highlighted Dumitru Nuca, resident doctor and student Victoria Dolință.   

The young researchers are guided by the doctor oro-maxillo-facial surgeon, Dr. Dumitru Sîrbu, chief physician at the Dental Clinic "Omni Dent", clinical base of the Department of OMF surgery and oral implantology "Arsenie Guțan" from USMF "Nicolae Testemitanu" . At the “Omni Dent” Dental Clinic as well as in the OMF Surgery Department of IMSP Institute of Emergency Medicine, base of the OMF Surgery and Oral Implantology Department “Arsenie Guțan”, from USMF “Nicolae Testemitanu”, the young researchers gained experience, analyzed an extensive database of various dental medical problems, and their outcome was reported to Congress.  

"The congress is a good opportunity to offer young people to manifest themselves through scientific papers that are a result of the synthesis and presentation of current issues in medicine. This year's work demonstrated the high training of the young people, which put the appreciation committee in a difficult position to choose the winners, because they all deserved the first places. Through the participation of diligent and enthusiastic students, this congress highlights the future hope of local medicine ", said Dr. Dumitru Sîrbu.   

MedEspera is a biennial congress for students, doctoral students and young doctors from all over the world, organized by the Association of Medical Students and Residents of Moldova and the State University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Nicolae Testemitanu". The event took place between May 12-14, 2022. 
 Author: Dorina ARSENE
16.05.2022 17:22