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  2. News
  3. The successes of the students guided by the university lecturer, Dumitru Sîrbu

 The university lecturer, doctor of medical sciences Dumitru Sîrbu from the OMF Department of Surgery and Oral Implantology "Arsenie Guțan", from USMF "Nicolae Testemițanu" is a valuable mentor. The proof is dozens of students who annually, under the painstakingly careful guidance of the conf. univ. Dumitru Sîrbu defends the bachelor's theses, most of them with the highest grade.  

The healthy belief of the oro-maxillo-facial surgeon D. Sîrbu is that medical practice is best achieved with the patient, for this reason, in addition to the theoretical part, students accumulate practical knowledge at the "Omni Dent" Dental Clinic. 

Moreover, young people who are going to defend their bachelor's thesis show an increased interest in the health of patients and are actively involved in all useful activities. In addition to the fact that they often come to the Clinic, together with patients, they conduct lessons on correct oral cavity care for children from both kindergartens and schools.  

"I am always with the students who want to become good specialists in their field of activity. To be a respected doctor is a colossal job, it is a road that you have to travel. There are certain steps to follow in order to hold the medical profession with dignity and respect. In addition to continuous studies and research or various participation in conferences, congresses, both in the country and abroad, it is also necessary to respect the advice of parents, to be a good professional and a person of value," said Dumitru Sîrbu .  

According to the Webometrics report, published in January 2023, the "Nicolae Testemițanu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy (USMF) ranks first in the Republic of Moldova, and internal statistical data show that at the OMF Department of Surgery and Oral Implantology "Arsenie Guțan" annually enrolled the most students for the graduation work. "I want to encourage all the students who are going to defend the graduation thesis and tell them that the choice assumed to be a doctor must be an honor and a great responsibility. The patient's life and health depend on the specialist's treatment plan, so he should respect the words of his parents and teachers and always think for the benefit of the sufferer", said the oro-maxillo-facial surgeon D. Sîrbu.  

At the end of the study year, Mihaela Angeluța will defend her graduation thesis with the topic: "Soft tissue graft from the palatine region. Peculiarities. Use."   

Vladimir Marinov with the theme: "Ameloblastoma. Clinical and paraclinical identification. Therapeutic behavior."

Daria Ribacova with the topic: "Giant cysts of the upper jaw. Diagnostic features. Therapeutic behavior."   

Ion Eni with the theme: "Management of the lower alveolar vasculo-nerve fascicle in surgical interventions on the mandible"

Maria Gonța with the theme: "Orthodontic implants. Peculiarities. Use."     

From 2012 to the present, 35 students defended their bachelor's thesis, the scientific supervisor being the university lecturer Dumitru Sîrbu.    

Author: Dorina ARSENE

28.09.2023 12:05