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Lista lucrărilor științifice Diplome și certificate

Lista lucrărilor științifice și metodico-didactice

Lista lucrărilor științifice și metodico-didactice

Articole în reviste internaţionale
  1. NUCA D.; BUȘMACHIU, I. Angle malocclusion class ii/1. In : 7th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors MedEspera. Chișinău 2018 p. 241-242.
  2. BACOTA, L.; SÎRBU, D.; STRÎȘCA, S.; NUCA D.  Alveolar bone reconstruction with autogenous intraoral grafts in the context of posttraumatic rehabilitation. In : 8th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors MedEspera. Chișinău 2020 p. 333-334.
  3. NUCA, D.; SÎRBU, D.; STRÎȘCA S.; COADĂ M. The rotated pedicle palatal connective tissue flap technique (RPPCTF) in management of soft tissue defects. In : 8th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors MedEspera. Chișinău 2020 p. 334-335.
  4.  BAHOV V.; SÎRBU, D.; STRÎȘCA S.; POPOVICI V.; NUCA DDental extraction - imminent solution in crown-root fracture – case reportIn : 8th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors MedEspera. Chișinău 2020 p. 335.
  5. Nuca D., Busmachiu I. Angle malocclusion class ii/1. In : 7th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors MedEspera, Chișinău, 2018, p. 241-242.
  6. Bacota L., Sîrbu D., Strisca S., Nuca D. Alveolar bone reconstruction with autogenous intraoral grafts in the context of posttraumatic rehabilitation. In : 8th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors MedEspera, Chișinău, 2020, p. 333-334
  7. Nuca D., Sîrbu D., Strișca S., Coadă M. The rotated pedicle palatal connective tissue flap technique (RPPCTF) in management of soft tissue defects. In : 8th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors MedEspera, Chișinău, 2020, p. 334-335.
  8. Bahov V., Sîrbu D., Strișca S., Popovici V., Nuca D. Dental extraction - imminent solution in crown-root fracture – case report. In : 8th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors MedEspera, Chișinău, 2020. p.334- 335.
Comunicări la manifestări științifice :
  1. NUCA D.; SÎRBU, D.; STRÎȘCA, S.; COADĂ, M.; The rotated pedicle palatal connective tissue flap technique (RPPCTF) in management of soft tissue defects. In : 8th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors MedEspera. Chișinău, 24-26 September 2020.
  2. NUCA D.; SÎRBU D.; STRÎȘCĂ S.; ENI S; VOLOC C.; TERENTIEVA M. Management of soft tissues around dental implants. In: Culegere de rezumate științifice. Congresul consacrat aniversării a 75-a de la fondarea USMF ”Nicolae Testemițanu”, Chișinău, 2020, p 718. ISSN-978-9975-118-61-3.

  3. VOLOC, C.; SÎRBU, D.; VOLOC, A.; VOLOC A.; CORCIMARI E.; NUCA, D. Orthopantomography and computed tomography with conical beam as auxiliary tools in the diagnosis of osteoporosis in women. In: Culegere de rezumate științifice. Congresul consacrat aniversării a 75-a de la fondarea USMF ”Nicolae Testemițanu”, Chișinău, 2020, p 735. ISSN-978-9975-118-61-3.

  4. ENI, S.; GHEȚIU A.; STRÎȘCĂ S.; NUCA, D. The assessment of rehabilitation methods in patients with severe upper jaw atrophy.  In: Culegere de rezumate științifice. Congresul consacrat aniversării a 75-a de la fondarea USMF ”Nicolae Testemițanu”, Chișinău, 2020, p 7. ISSN-978-9975-118-61-3.

  5. Nuca D., Sîrbu D., Strișca S., Coadă M. The rotated pedicle palatal connective tissue flap technique (RPPCTF) in management of soft tissue defects. In : 8 th edition of MedEspera International Medical Congress for Students and Yang Doctors, Chișinău, 24-26 september 2020. p.334- 335.
Teze ale comunicărilor ştiinţifice internaţionale:
  1. Nuca D., Sîrbu D., Strișca S., Coadă M. The rotated pedicle palatal connective tissue flap technique (RPPCTF) in management of soft tissue defects. In : 8 th edition of MedEspera International Medical Congress for Students and Yang Doctors, Chișinău, 24-26 september 2020. p.334- 335.

Diplome și certificate

Nuca Dumitru medic stomatologchirurgparodontolog
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Nuca Dumitru medic stomatologchirurgparodontolog
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Nuca Dumitru medic stomatologchirurgparodontolog
Nuca Dumitru medic stomatologchirurgparodontolog
Nuca Dumitru medic stomatologchirurgparodontolog
Nuca Dumitru medic stomatologchirurgparodontolog
Nuca Dumitru medic stomatologchirurgparodontolog
Nuca Dumitru medic stomatologchirurgparodontolog
Nuca Dumitru medic stomatologchirurgparodontolog
Nuca Dumitru medic stomatologchirurgparodontolog
Nuca Dumitru medic stomatologchirurgparodontolog
Nuca Dumitru medic stomatologchirurgparodontolog
Nuca Dumitru medic stomatologchirurgparodontolog
Nuca Dumitru medic stomatologchirurgparodontolog
Nuca Dumitru medic stomatologchirurgparodontolog
Nuca Dumitru medic stomatologchirurgparodontolog