Lista lucrărilor științifice și metodico-didactice
Articole în reviste internaţionale
- NUCA D.; BUȘMACHIU, I. Angle malocclusion class ii/1. In : 7th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors MedEspera. Chișinău 2018 p. 241-242.
- BACOTA, L.; SÎRBU, D.; STRÎȘCA, S.; NUCA D. Alveolar bone reconstruction with autogenous intraoral grafts in the context of posttraumatic rehabilitation. In : 8th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors MedEspera. Chișinău 2020 p. 333-334.
- NUCA, D.; SÎRBU, D.; STRÎȘCA S.; COADĂ M. The rotated pedicle palatal connective tissue flap technique (RPPCTF) in management of soft tissue defects. In : 8th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors MedEspera. Chișinău 2020 p. 334-335.
- BAHOV V.; SÎRBU, D.; STRÎȘCA S.; POPOVICI V.; NUCA D. Dental extraction - imminent solution in crown-root fracture – case report. In : 8th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors MedEspera. Chișinău 2020 p. 335.
- Nuca D., Busmachiu I. Angle malocclusion class ii/1. In : 7th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors MedEspera, Chișinău, 2018, p. 241-242.
- Bacota L., Sîrbu D., Strisca S., Nuca D. Alveolar bone reconstruction with autogenous intraoral grafts in the context of posttraumatic rehabilitation. In : 8th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors MedEspera, Chișinău, 2020, p. 333-334
- Nuca D., Sîrbu D., Strișca S., Coadă M. The rotated pedicle palatal connective tissue flap technique (RPPCTF) in management of soft tissue defects. In : 8th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors MedEspera, Chișinău, 2020, p. 334-335.
- Bahov V., Sîrbu D., Strișca S., Popovici V., Nuca D. Dental extraction - imminent solution in crown-root fracture – case report. In : 8th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors MedEspera, Chișinău, 2020. p.334- 335.
Comunicări la manifestări științifice :
- NUCA D.; SÎRBU, D.; STRÎȘCA, S.; COADĂ, M.; The rotated pedicle palatal connective tissue flap technique (RPPCTF) in management of soft tissue defects. In : 8th International Medical Congress for Students and Young Doctors MedEspera. Chișinău, 24-26 September 2020.
NUCA D.; SÎRBU D.; STRÎȘCĂ S.; ENI S; VOLOC C.; TERENTIEVA M. Management of soft tissues around dental implants. In: Culegere de rezumate științifice. Congresul consacrat aniversării a 75-a de la fondarea USMF ”Nicolae Testemițanu”, Chișinău, 2020, p 718. ISSN-978-9975-118-61-3.
VOLOC, C.; SÎRBU, D.; VOLOC, A.; VOLOC A.; CORCIMARI E.; NUCA, D. Orthopantomography and computed tomography with conical beam as auxiliary tools in the diagnosis of osteoporosis in women. In: Culegere de rezumate științifice. Congresul consacrat aniversării a 75-a de la fondarea USMF ”Nicolae Testemițanu”, Chișinău, 2020, p 735. ISSN-978-9975-118-61-3.
ENI, S.; GHEȚIU A.; STRÎȘCĂ S.; NUCA, D. The assessment of rehabilitation methods in patients with severe upper jaw atrophy. In: Culegere de rezumate științifice. Congresul consacrat aniversării a 75-a de la fondarea USMF ”Nicolae Testemițanu”, Chișinău, 2020, p 7. ISSN-978-9975-118-61-3.
- Nuca D., Sîrbu D., Strișca S., Coadă M. The rotated pedicle palatal connective tissue flap technique (RPPCTF) in management of soft tissue defects. In : 8 th edition of MedEspera International Medical Congress for Students and Yang Doctors, Chișinău, 24-26 september 2020. p.334- 335.
Teze ale comunicărilor ştiinţifice internaţionale:
- Nuca D., Sîrbu D., Strișca S., Coadă M. The rotated pedicle palatal connective tissue flap technique (RPPCTF) in management of soft tissue defects. In : 8 th edition of MedEspera International Medical Congress for Students and Yang Doctors, Chișinău, 24-26 september 2020. p.334- 335.